King Kong approaches
Horror director Peter Jackson of the ghost pic The Frighteners, zombie flick Braindead and flesh-eating alien slasher film Bad Taste (he also did a few other movies in the fantasy genre too) is about to unleash King Kong, one of the greatest horror monsters of all time, on Dec. 14.
It's a rehash of the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast, but what a tale: a mysterious jungle, a giant ape worshipped as a god, a monster rampaging through a city.
Here is the link to the official site. For news and fan postings visit Kong is King.
With Jackson's film coming out, a new DVD version of the 1933 original will also be released.
Like Kong, the director of the original film, Merian C. Cooper, was a larger than life figure himself.
From the Deseret News:
Cooper is most famous for creating and directing the character and film "King Kong" — and if that were the sum of his life he would still be worthy of interest and praise from biographers and film buffs. But Kong was only a part of his 80 years as a filmmaker, director, soldier, prisoner of war, explorer, innovator, businessman and mogul.
How is the game?
Dunno - I haven't heard any buzz about the game one way or the other. Based on previous movie tie-ins, my guess is it'll be somewhere between mediocre and miserable... It'll probably look nice, but you won't want to play more than 5 or 10 minutes of it.
You're in software - which do you prefer? Working on an original project, or rehashing someone else's idea (even if the rehash is well-funded)? I think things like that show through in the quality (or lack thereof) of the movie-based games...
Kannapan: looks like I've been living under a rock or some such - Wired has a tidbit about Ubisoft's upcoming release...
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