Now that's what I call shopping!
Whilst looking for images of Anahita to go with my previous post, I stumbled across this e-commerce site that should be right up the alley of many of our readers: Chateau Bizzare: Small Business at its Strangest. I haven't clicked through all of it, but it looks like a mix of dark, gothic, pagan, medieval/renaissance-related businesses, with the odd kink/sex biz tossed into the mix. One of my favorites so far is "Arcane Nonesuch":
Some are definitely NSFW, so if you save this site 'till Monday so you can use the T1 line at work instead of your dialup, I'd be judicious about where I click if I were you. Most are fine, but I'm guessing that "" won't look so hot on your server log at work.
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